Why Join?
Why not? It's a great way to find old mates, keep up to date on what's happening
around the traps and to share experiences from days gone by. There are several benefits to becoming a member. We offer
a no bullshit place to catch up with old mates and the opportunity to be at home amongst fellow Gunners!
How to join
Simply email us the following to
Fees are $10 per year and $108 for a life membership
We will try to respond as soon as possible and add you to the list of members once approved.
Who Can Join?
Membership is open to any person who has been a part of the unit including Spanners, Scablifters,
Pogo's, Baitlayers and of course families of members. There are more nominal rolls on the shelf these days than you can
poke a stick at, so please be honest about your service details. Any false applications will be banned without question.
Please contact us for more information.